For this is the love of YHVH, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome - Matthew 5:17-19

Welcome to Pursuing Torah! This ministry is founded on purely biblical principles, believing all 66 canonized books are congruent, without error, and completely inspired by the voice of the almighty Elohim, the God of Israel.  We believe every word, including the Tanack (old testament) is relevant instruction for today. Our desire is to help people who have come to the conclusion that modern day religion has rejected many aspects of Biblical Truth. Our goal is to examine the Word, being willing to put all man-made doctrine aside to study in-context as written, through the Hebrew lens. The purpose of this ministry is to challenge those who are clinging to ideals and concepts outside of the Word of God to choose TESHUVAH, or returning to the ancient path.

Let YHVH’s name and character be exalted forever!